Can babies go out in the open air during a fever?

The baby can go out for a short time during the fever, but can not blow the wind. Baby fever during the body temperature is relatively high, at this time due to the need to dissipate heat, capillary blood pores are in a kind of open state, although you can go out briefly to breathe fresh air, but not blowing the wind, otherwise it will easily be cold, aggravate the fever symptoms. Baby fever period, if you go out to pay attention to the outside environment, if the environment is bad, such as too hot or low temperature, try not to go out, will have a negative impact on the condition. Parents should pay attention to measure the baby’s temperature during fever, if the baby’s temperature exceeds 38.5 degrees, timely use of fever-reducing drugs under the guidance of the doctor, such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen.

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