Which is the best cream for hemorrhoids

Treatment of hemorrhoids ointment which is good is incorrect, the drug is usually not good or bad, patients can use under the guidance of the doctor bear bile hemorrhoid cream, Ma Yinglong musk hemorrhoid ointment, anus tai ointment, etc. for treatment. 1. bear bile hemorrhoid cream: by the bear bile, ice, glycerite, mother-of-pearl and other components, with heat detoxification (clear the body of heat and toxicity), swelling and pain (to eliminate swelling and pain), convergence of sores and muscle (to help the sores faster healing, to promote the growth of new flesh), itching bleeding, etc., can be used for the treatment of internal and external hemorrhoids, or accompanied by a small amount of bleeding and other conditions, skin ulceration is prohibited, pregnant women should be cautious, etc.. 2. Ma Yinglong musk hemorrhoid cream: artificial musk, artificial cowhuang, pearl, calcined glycerite powder, borax, ice, etc., with blood swelling, to putrefaction, muscle (promote rotten meat off, new meat growth) effect. It can be used for the treatment of hemorrhoids, anal fissure, or with bleeding stool, pain, and a feeling of falling, etc. It can also be used for the treatment of perianal eczema. Pregnant women, children, lactating women and other groups should be used in accordance with medical advice. 3. Anutai Ointment: It is composed of Diyu, Wu Bei Zi, Ice tablet, Berberine Hydrochloride, etc. It has the effect of cooling blood and stopping bleeding (making the blood cool and moist, preventing bleeding), clearing heat and removing toxins, and subduing swelling and relieving pain, etc. It can be used to treat internal hemorrhoids and mixed hemorrhoids. It can be used to treat internal hemorrhoids and mixed hemorrhoids, and improve local discomfort symptoms such as blood in stool, swelling, pain, anal pain and swelling, and edema. In addition, taining cream, Jiuhua hemorrhoid cream and other creams can also be used for the treatment of hemorrhoids, it is recommended that patients strictly follow the doctor’s instructions for medication, do not change the dose of medication or private abuse of drugs, so as not to affect the therapeutic effect, at the same time, the patient should also pay attention to the reaction of the medication, such as any abnormalities in a timely manner to seek medical attention.

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