What to do if you have an unwanted pregnancy after sterilization

Tubal ligation is also known as tubal ligation, tubal ligation and then unwanted pregnancy, usually the fallopian tube by itself, to determine the pregnancy should be considered according to the individual situation is to continue the pregnancy or terminate the pregnancy treatment. Tubal ligation may also have the possibility of unwanted pregnancy, any surgery can not guarantee 100% success rate, may be the process of surgery ligation is not tight or ligation unsuccessful, ligation time is too long, ligation ring loose or fall off and so on, resulting in the fallopian tubes reopened on their own, will fail to contraception and pregnancy. Tubal ligation after unwanted pregnancy, first of all to go to the hospital through the ultrasound to determine whether it is intrauterine pregnancy or ectopic pregnancy, intrauterine pregnancy should be considered according to the individual’s situation is to continue the pregnancy or timely treatment of abortion, such as ectopic pregnancy should be timely treatment through conservative treatment or surgical treatment standardized treatment. Any contraceptive method will have contraceptive failure, tubal ligation should go to the hospital at intervals to do ultrasound review, there are abnormalities can be dealt with in a timely manner.

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