When to take calcium supplements for babies

If your baby has no symptoms of calcium deficiency, usually no extra calcium supplement is needed at any time, while if there are symptoms of calcium deficiency, you need to take supplements in time under the guidance of your doctor. Calcium is one of the more important nutrients for the human body, which is beneficial to the development of bones and teeth. However, if your baby does not have a calcium deficiency, it is not recommended to take extra calcium supplements because too much calcium is not good for your health. Usually, babies need to take vitamin D after two weeks of life, which can promote the absorption of calcium, and is conducive to the healthy development of the baby’s body. If it is a slight calcium deficiency, you can supplement through diet, for example, you can give your baby more soy products, milk, shrimp and other calcium-rich foods. If it is more serious calcium deficiency, the baby’s body has symptoms of calcium deficiency, such as square skull, occipital baldness and sleep disturbance at night, you need to actively under the guidance of the doctor to choose to take calcium supplements, such as calcium lactate, but also to let the baby sunbathing, can promote the body of vitamin D synthesis, conducive to the absorption of calcium. If you find that your baby is not feeling well, it is recommended that you seek medical attention.

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