Effects of Szechuan Chen Pi

The effects of Sichuan Pericarp include regulating qi, strengthening the spleen, drying dampness and resolving phlegm (expelling dampness by drying dampness and dissolving phlegm), which can treat or improve the symptoms of stagnant qi in the spleen and stomach, poor appetite and diarrhea, vomiting and coughing with profuse phlegm.
The medicinal source of Chuan Chenpi is the dried mature fruit rind of tangerine and its cultivated varieties in the family of Rutaceae, which is warm in nature and able to be decocted to regulate qi, strengthen the spleen, dry dampness and resolve phlegm. If there is stagnation of qi in the spleen and stomach, dampness obstruction in the epigastric region (referring to the stomach and abdomen), bloating and fullness, poor appetite and vomiting, damp phlegm and cold phlegm, cough with excessive phlegm, and thoracic paralysis (stuffy pain in the chest) and other conditions, Sichuan Chen Pi can be used to improve or treat the condition.
Note that Chuan Chen Pi is pungent, bitter and dry, and its warmth can promote heat, so it should be used with caution in order to avoid aggravating the condition of those who have solid internal heat and a red tongue with little fluid. In addition, it is recommended to use Chinese herbs rationally under the guidance of Chinese medicine practitioners in order to prevent improper use of medication.

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