What is the most effective medicine for bleeding internal hemorrhoids

Currently, there is no clinical indication of what medication is most effective for bleeding internal hemorrhoids. Usually, internal hemorrhoidal bleeding can be relieved by the use of medicines such as herbaceous rhinoceros infusion tablets, diosmin, ibuprofen and so on under the guidance of doctors. 1. Herbaceous rhinoceros infusion tablets: Herbaceous rhinoceros infusion tablets can reduce the permeability of blood vessels, reduce the resistance of blood vessels, increase vasodilatation, promote venous blood reflux, can improve the anal cushion congestion, bleeding internal hemorrhoids, swelling, prolapse has a good effect. 2. Diosmin: Diosmin can target the symptoms of acute hemorrhoidal attack, can promote venous return, perianal venous edema, bleeding has improved. 3. Ibuprofen: internal hemorrhoids serious patients with bleeding defecation with swelling and pain, ibuprofen has anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect, so you can use ibuprofen to relieve the pain caused by hemorrhoids. The above drugs are for reference only, the specific situation should be based on the condition of the use under the guidance of a doctor. It is recommended that patients with bleeding hemorrhoids seek medical attention in a timely manner to clarify the condition and then follow the doctor’s instructions for the appropriate treatment.

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