How much do I know about hemorrhoids during pregnancy?

1.What are hemorrhoids? Why are pregnant women prone to constipation and hemorrhoids? Hemorrhoids are soft venous masses formed by the dilation and flexion of the submucosal and subcutaneous venous plexus of the human rectum, which is a chronic disease. Pregnant women have a high incidence of hemorrhoids for the following reasons: (1) Pregnant women generally have a relatively low activity level, which leads to a weakened gastrointestinal function, and the stool stays in the intestinal cavity for a longer period of time, causing dry stools and constipation due to the absorption of water; (2) The pressure of the enlarged uterus on the rectum can aggravate constipation; (3) The enlarged uterus compresses the blood vessels in the pelvis, so that the venous blood in the legs, perineum and rectum cannot flow back smoothly. This makes the veins in the lower rectum and around the anus stasis and expand and form hemorrhoids; (4) progesterone, estrogen, and aldosterone in the body during pregnancy make water and sodium retention and increase tissue edema, and progesterone and oxytocin act to relax the pelvic floor fascia and the internal and external rectal sphincter, which can easily induce inflammatory external hemorrhoids, internal hemorrhoids prolapse and bleeding. 2. What are the manifestations of hemorrhoids? What is the danger to pregnant women and fetuses? Internal hemorrhoids are divided into internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids, and internal hemorrhoids are divided into degrees I~IV, and their clinical manifestations vary according to their severity. Grade IV internal hemorrhoids are prolapsed and cannot be retracted. The internal hemorrhoid can be painful due to impaction and strangulation. External hemorrhoids are painful due to anal discomfort, dampness and uncleanliness, and can be accompanied by thrombosis. The main risks of hemorrhoids to pregnant women are: (1) blood in the stool, which can cause anemia in severe cases; (2) internal hemorrhoids with embedded, strangulated or thrombosed external hemorrhoids can cause pain and affect work and rest. The harm of hemorrhoids to the fetus is mainly: the anemia of pregnant women affects the normal development of the fetus, easily causing fetal growth retardation and low weight; in serious cases, it may cause premature birth or death of the fetus. 3.How to treat and regulate during pregnancy? Most of the hemorrhoids during pregnancy are treated conservatively, and the condition can be relieved to varying degrees after the birth of the child, and after the child is born, it is decided whether further treatment is needed according to the condition. In early pregnancy, the progesterone level in the body is low, and various stimuli in the perineum can reflexively cause contraction of the uterus and vagina, resulting in miscarriage, so invasive treatment is not advisable; in the fourth to seventh month of pregnancy, the placenta can produce enough progesterone, and the general injury stimuli in the perineum are less responsive to the uterus and vagina, so less invasive treatment can be performed for thrombosed external hemorrhoids and stage I and II internal hemorrhoids bleeding; while invasive treatment in late pregnancy may cause Premature delivery. It is recommended that patients consume a high fiber diet, drink more water, have regular bowel movements, maintain local hygiene, hot water PP sitz baths, etc. Use medications under the guidance of a doctor. Some medications can be teratogenic or cause miscarriage and should be avoided. For example, musk has a significant excitatory effect on the uterus, and drugs containing musk are prone to miscarriage or preterm delivery after use; also strong laxatives (rhubarb, senna, etc.) can induce miscarriage or preterm delivery. When pregnant women suffer from hemorrhoids with bleeding symptoms, they can use suppositories containing the ingredient compound keratanate, which can be placed directly into the anus. Appropriate oral laxatives (such as: lactulose, honey, etc.), hemorrhoid nucleus prolapse, embedded, swollen and painful can be washed with hot water, then 33% magnesium sulfate solution hot wet compress affected area, and then local rubbing hemorrhoid cream (Jiuhua cream or keratanic acid grease, etc.). 4.How to prevent constipation and hemorrhoids during pregnancy? (1) Eat a reasonable diet, avoid spicy and irritating food, and should eat less and more meals. (2) Pregnant women should drink more water and drink a glass of light salt water or honey water after getting up in the morning to avoid dryness in the intestines. (3) Eat more vegetables and fruits rich in fiber, such as: celery, leek, cabbage, fungus, dried white bamboo shoots, bananas, apples, etc. (4) Pay attention to local cleanliness, and take a warm water sitz bath every day to speed up blood circulation. (5) Exercise properly, do not sit on the sofa for a long time during pregnancy, do not sit for a long time in front of the computer or TV. (6) Develop the habit of regular defecation, try to shorten the time of each defecation, do not sit on the toilet and read the newspaper. (4) During pregnancy, you should sleep in the lateral position more often to relieve or eliminate the pressure of the pregnant uterus on the inferior vena cava and avoid blood stasis. (4) Anal lifting exercise: 30 strokes 3 times a day to improve local blood circulation and strengthen the muscles at the bottom of the pelvis to facilitate defecation and prevent hemorrhoids from occurring. 5.Does hemorrhoids affect childbirth? What should I do after childbirth? Hemorrhoids generally do not affect childbirth, continue to eat a reasonable diet after delivery, drink more water, eat more fiber-rich foods, and exercise appropriately, for severe hemorrhoids, it is best to have surgery after delivery or weaning of the baby if possible.

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