The fastest remedy for hemorrhoids, is it reliable?

The fastest remedies for hemorrhoids are not reliable and are not recommended for patients. Most of the remedies for hemorrhoids are not scientifically proven, although some of the remedies are indeed effective in some patients, but because hemorrhoids contain more types, each patient’s symptoms and physical condition are different, the use of remedies may not only fail to alleviate the condition, but also may aggravate the hemorrhoids, and therefore do not recommend that patients indiscriminate use of the various remedies. Currently there are many treatment methods for hemorrhoids, such as for some asymptomatic people, can be temporarily improved through the improvement of life, diet, defecation and other habits to improve, do not need special treatment. For symptomatic people, according to the severity of the local application or incorporate a variety of hemorrhoid cream or suppository, injection sclerotherapy, rubber ring ligation, infrared coagulation, surgical resection and other methods to treat. Hemorrhoid patients should not believe in a variety of unscientific basis of the local prescription, so as not to hurt the body, to the regular hospital to ask a professional doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

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