Can rectum and hemorrhoids cause lack of energy dizziness and anemia?

The rectum is part of the body’s digestive system and is located at the end of the intestines and is not known to cause weakness, dizziness and anemia, but hemorrhoids are a disease that can cause weakness, dizziness and anemia. Hemorrhoids are a chronic disease of the anal area, which is composed of three structures: submucosal blood vessels, connective tissue and tiny smooth muscle fibers. When defecation, prolonged sitting, prolonged standing, or increased abdominal pressure occurs, the blood vessels within the hemorrhoids may rupture, which may lead to long-term chronic bleeding. Chronic blood loss from hemorrhoids, if not treated in time, when hemorrhoids bleed too much, it is easy to cause low hematocrit in the blood, resulting in patients with chronic anemia. Chronic anemia is manifested by lack of strength, weakness, dizziness, palpitations (rapid heartbeat, often accompanied by panic) and other symptoms, and in severe cases, there is the possibility of fainting and hemorrhagic shock. Therefore, once patients find themselves with the above symptoms, they should go to the hospital in time for examination, to clarify the cause of the disease and treat it as early as possible, instead of self-diagnosis, so as not to delay the condition and cause adverse consequences.

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