Does it hurt to change hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoid change should refer to the change of medicine after hemorrhoid surgery, is a little painful, generally within a week the pain is more obvious. Different people have different degrees of pain tolerance, and when you feel unbearable pain, you can take pain medication, such as ibuprofen, under the guidance of a professional doctor. After hemorrhoid surgery, there are incisions in the anus, most of the incisions are not sutured, and the nerves near the anus are sensitive and abundant, compared to other parts of the incision, the degree of pain in the anus is more intense, but most patients can tolerate it. After hemorrhoid surgery, within a week, belongs to the inflammatory period, this time period will have obvious pain, some patients are more sensitive to pain, if the pain is intolerable when changing the medicine, you can take pain medication under the guidance of a professional doctor, such as ibuprofen; or locally given lidocaine gel, hemorrhoidal ointment, and other drugs to relieve the pain; Hemorrhoids after surgery around the tenth day of granulation proliferation, ligation line can fall off, the pain gradually reduce relief, the patient can basically tolerate, change the medicine generally do not need to use painkillers; hemorrhoids after surgery after the third week, belongs to the healing period, at this time to change the medicine no pain, the epidermal growth along with the gradual healing of the postoperative trauma. Hemorrhoids anal part of the surgical pain and general recovery is slower, is related to the anatomical location, postoperative defecation, contact with feces, local wounds are susceptible to infection, and so on, individual patients healing time will be longer. It is recommended to change the medicine in time, monitor the wound healing situation, and follow the doctor’s instructions to actively treat the postoperative period, avoid spicy and stimulating food, keep the bowel movement smooth, etc., and regularly review the situation.

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