The easiest way to stop a child’s cold earache

When a child has a cold, otitis externa, otitis media, ear pain, there is no such thing as the simplest way to stop the pain, according to the situation can be used to alleviate the external ear drops, local hot compresses, adjust the posture and other methods. 1. Topical ear drops: the Eustachian tube connects the pharyngeal cavity and the middle ear, when you have a cold, bacteria or viruses in the pharynx will invade the middle ear through the Eustachian tube, and otitis media will occur, manifesting a side of the ear pain, which can be treated with topical ear drops under the guidance of a doctor, and commonly used ear drops are of oxfloxacin, hydrogen peroxide, and so on, and dexamethasone and other hormones can be applied to alleviate the pain, if necessary. 2. Local hot compresses: you can use hot towels on the ear area, which helps to improve local blood circulation, so that the blood vessels are in a state of expansion, thus reducing the pressure in the ear and relieving the pain. 3. Adjust the posture: lying down will increase the pressure in the inner ear and aggravate the earache, you can use the semi-supine position, cushioning the head and other ways to relieve earache. In short, when the child has an earache, it is recommended to go to the ear, nose and throat department in a timely manner to clarify the cause of the disease and take targeted treatment.

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