How long does it usually take for Chinese medicine to regulate menstruation to be effective?

Chinese medicine to regulate menstruation usually takes three menstrual cycles, depending on their own situation, the problem is complex may also last six months. Each person’s condition is different, the course of treatment and efficacy also vary.
A common way to regulate menstruation in Chinese medicine is to use traditional Chinese medicine. Doctors recognize and treat the symptoms according to the patient’s condition. Simple symptoms, such as dysmenorrhea, excessive or insufficient menstruation, irregular menstruation, etc., usually take three months, and use some traditional Chinese medicines that regulate qi, relieve pain, activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis, and relieve liver stasis, basically return to normal at the end of the three-month menstrual cycle, and some symptoms are mild and the effect is seen in one month.
In the case of other complicated problems, such as polycystic ovaries, estrogen secretion imbalance, menopausal syndrome, premature ovarian failure, etc., it may take longer, even half a year.
During the period of regulating menstruation, avoid late night labor, pay attention to rest, avoid spicy and cold food, drink more hot water and pay attention to keep warm.
If you have any uncomfortable symptoms, please go to the regular hospital in time to use medication under the guidance of a professional physician, so as not to delay the condition.

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