This is how to prevent respiratory diseases in winter

The arrival of the cold winter, respiratory diseases increased significantly, so how do we prevent respiratory diseases? First, the regular living “Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine” said: “in March, this is called closed, sleep early and get up late, must wait for daylight.” This tells us to have the right living in winter, try to go to bed early and get up late, to maintain sufficient sleep, which can enhance the body’s resistance, avoid strain, so as to prevent disease. Second, appropriate exercise can be breathing exercises, chest expansion exercises, abdominal breathing, eight duanjin, taijiquan and other exercises to enhance physical fitness, improve the ability to adapt to the climate and the body’s immunity. Three, cold and warm wear more clothes when going out, pay attention to cold and warm, wear a mask, avoid direct contact with cold air, haze days as little as possible to go out. Four, a balanced diet winter diet should be balanced, light, easy to consume, try to eat less spicy stimulating fried food. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, you can replenish vitamins, and the fiber contained is conducive to the smooth flow of stool, so that the function of the lungs and large intestine regulate each other. In addition, due to quit smoking and limit alcohol, maintain a good lifestyle habits. Fifth, to improve the body’s resistance to disease 1, Chinese medicine cream: spring, summer growth, autumn harvest, winter storage, according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, winter is the best season of the year for tonic, winter tonic, cream is appropriate. Patients suffering from respiratory diseases can also administer the tonic while treating the disease, which can strengthen the body and have a greater effect on the treatment of the disease. 2, you can improve the immunity of the body and enhance the ability to resist diseases by means of acupuncture point injection, Sanjiu paste, ear acupuncture treatment and other means of Chinese medicine. In addition, in can be carried out three volt days acupuncture point compress, winter disease summer treatment. 3, patients with chronic respiratory diseases in winter can also be injected with flu vaccine to prevent colds and aggravate the original disease. Finally, during the high incidence of respiratory diseases in winter, it is best not to go to crowded places to prevent the spread of respiratory diseases, if there is a cough, fever and other symptoms appear in time to seek medical attention.

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