Ten-month-old baby suddenly cried in the middle of the night what happened

Ten-month-old babies suddenly cry in the middle of the night, may be related to the environment is not suitable, gastrointestinal diseases and rickets and so on.
1. The environment is not suitable: if the baby sleeps in the environment temperature is too high or too low, cover the quilt is too thick or too thin will cause the baby to appear uncomfortable, resulting in sudden crying in the middle of the night.
2. Gastrointestinal diseases: If you feed your baby too much before going to bed or if there is inflammation in the intestinal tract, your baby will have abdominal pain, bloating and other manifestations, which will also lead to sudden crying in the middle of the night of a ten-month-old baby.
3. rickets: if the baby in addition to the middle of the night suddenly cry, there are sleep disturbance, excessive sweating and other symptoms, then it may be a lack of vitamin D rickets.
Ten months baby suddenly crying in the middle of the night, there may be other reasons, it is recommended to go to the hospital in a timely manner, improve the examination to clarify the cause of the disease, under the guidance of the doctor to give targeted treatment or treatment.

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