Can you take Danjiangyaozhuan during your period?

If the amount of menstruation is not particularly large, women can take Danjian Yi Yao San during menstruation. Danjian Yi Yao San can be used to improve symptoms such as irritability, spontaneous sweating, night sweating, headache, astringent eyes, irregular menstruation, abdominal pain and abdominal distension. Women are emotionally unstable during menstruation and are easily distracted and will also have uncomfortable symptoms such as headache, sweating and abdominal pain, which can be improved by taking Danjian Yi Yao San, so women can take it during menstruation. Dan gardenia prodigiosa is a Chinese patent medicine, mainly composed of Chinese herbs such as atractylodes, angelica, poria, licorice, etc. It has the effect of nourishing blood and strengthening the spleen, draining the liver and clearing heat.

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