The efficacy of taking Ginseng Ling Bai Zhu San and Morinda citrifolia together

Taking the two together has the effects of tonifying the spleen and stomach, benefiting the lung qi, harmonizing the stomach and lowering rebelliousness (regulating the stomach qi to make the upwardly rebellious qi descend), and clearing collaterals and relieving pain. The main ingredients of Ginseng Ling Atractylodes Macrocephalae are lotus seed, Semen Coicis, Semen Coicis, Platycodon Grandiflorus, Lentinus Edulis, etc. It can tonify the spleen and stomach and benefit lung qi, and is mainly used for treating the weakness of the spleen and stomach, with common symptoms such as shortness of breath and coughing, tiredness and fatigue, and loose stools with scanty appetite (sparse and unshaped feces). It is not suitable for patients with fever and cold. The main ingredients of Molodan are lily, Poria, Xuan Shen, Wu Yao, Ze Xie, etc. It has the effect of harmonizing the stomach and lowering the rebelliousness, strengthening the spleen and eliminating flatulence, clearing the collaterals and fixing the pain and is used for the treatment of stomach ache, flatulence, plagued, dullness (lack of appetite, reduced food intake), belching (belch) and other diseases. Avoid emotional excitement and sulking; avoid smoking, alcohol and spicy, cold, greasy food; allergic to this drug is prohibited. Specific medication is recommended to follow the doctor’s instructions, should not be combined with their own medication, so as not to use the wrong medication to cause damage to the organism.

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