Why you shouldn’t eat apple cores

Apple core can not be eaten mainly because the apple core contains a small amount of harmful substances hydrocyanic acid, in order to avoid adverse effects on the health of the body, it is not recommended to eat apple core. Apple is the fruit of apple plant of Rosaceae family, one of the common fruits in daily life, apple core is the remaining part of apple after eating the outer layer, which contains a small amount of harmful substances hydrocyanic acid, such substances, if a large number of deposits in the body, may lead to dizziness, headache, accelerated respiration and other toxic reactions, so it is not recommended to consume apple core. It is important to note that if you occasionally bite into the core of an apple or eat a small amount of it, you will not have an immediate toxic reaction, but eating it this way for a long period of time may have an adverse effect on your body’s health. If you feel unwell, please seek medical advice as soon as possible.

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