What are the harmful effects of drinking schizandra in water?

Under the guidance of a physician, appropriate use of Schisandra chinensis in water is generally not harmful, Schisandra chinensis has astringent solid astringent (astringent consolidation) and other effects, but it is difficult to reach the therapeutic effect of drinking water alone, should follow the doctor’s instructions for the rational use of medication.
The pharmacopoeia does not specify the adverse reactions of schizandra, and there is no relevant literature and research pointing out the harm of this product. Those who have external surface evil (nasal congestion, runny nose, fever, etc.), or cough at the beginning of the cough, internal solid heat (constipation, yellow urine, sore throat, etc.), or the first outbreak of gua sha rash should be cautious of taking schizandra.
Schisandra is a kind of sour, sweet Chinese medicine, with astringent lung (astringent lung qi) nourish the kidney, produce fluids and astringent sweating, astringent diarrhea, tranquilize the heart and tranquilize the spirit of the efficacy of the clinic can be used for a long period of coughing and asthenia, urinary frequency urination, dreaming and slippery spermatozoa, diarrhea more than a long time, the Jin hurt thirsty, internal heat thirst (internal fever accompanied by more food and more drinking and more urination, and other symptoms), such as the treatment of the disease.
The use of Schisandra chinensis in water to drink the effective dose is limited, it is difficult to achieve the therapeutic effect, should be standardized under the guidance of a doctor, do not self-medication.

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