Is a fever of 38.7 considered high?

A fever of 38.7 degrees is not a high fever, it is considered a moderate fever. A high fever is usually defined as a body temperature of 39.1 to 41 degrees C. A temperature of 38.7 degrees is not in the high fever range, so it is not considered a high fever. A moderate fever is usually 38.1~39℃, so 38.7℃ is a moderate fever. Usually fever temperature reaches 38.5 ℃ do more need to use antipyretic medication, such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen, etc., but need to strictly follow the doctor’s instructions to use the medicine, can not be used without authorization, so as not to cause adverse effects. At the same time, you should also drink more water, keep indoor air circulation, is conducive to fever. The causes of fever are many, fever is recommended to actively go to the relevant departments of professional hospitals, to clarify the cause of the disease in a timely manner, targeted treatment, so as not to delay the condition, endangering health.

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