An 84-year-old man suffering from lung yin deficiency evidence has caused recurrent coughing for more than 1 year!

(Disclaimer: This article is for popular science use only. To protect patient privacy, the relevant information in the following content has been processed.) Abstract: The patient had recurrent chest tightness and cough for more than 1 year, aggravated for 1 month. 1 year ago, he developed chest tightness, cough, coughing sputum with blood, heat in the heart of the hands and feet, obvious at night, dry mouth, red tongue with little fluid, and thin pulse, which was considered as lung yin deficiency evidence in combination with Chinese medicine diagnosis. The patient was then treated with Sha Shen Mai Dong Tang plus reduction to obtain better efficacy. [Basic information] Male, 84 years old [Type of disease] Lung Yin deficiency [Hospital] The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University [Date of consultation] December 2019 [Treatment plan] Chinese medicine evidence-based treatment (Sha Shen Mai Dong Tang with reduction) [Treatment cycle] 9 weeks of medication treatment and regular follow-up [Treatment effect] Cough improved I. Initial interview The patient is an 84-year-old male who came to the clinic with recurrent chest tightness and cough for more than 1 year. He came to the clinic because of recurrent chest tightness and cough for more than 1 year, which had been aggravated for 1 month. The patient complained of a long history of smoking. One year ago, he developed chest tightness, cough, coughing sputum with blood, and heat in the hands and feet after exertion, and the symptoms were obvious at night, accompanied by dry mouth, red tongue with little fluid, and thin pulse. After consultation, he was told that the patient has poor nighttime sleep, dry stools and short urine. Auxiliary examinations were given, and the chest CT suggested changes in chronic bronchial changes, a little chronic infection in the lower lobes of both lungs, and a small amount of bilateral pleural effusion. The patient was diagnosed with pulmonary yin deficiency, so the treatment method of nourishing yin and moistening the lung was chosen, and Sha Shen Mai Dong Tang was added and subtracted, with the prescription of Sha Shen, Mai Dong, Sheng Di Huang, Zhe Bei Mu, Loquat leaf, Radix Platycodon, Prince’s ginseng, Mulberry leaf, Chrysanthemum, Jin Yin Hua and Licorice, with water decoction. After 1 week of medication, the patient’s cough was slightly relieved, coughing sputum was light, coughing blood was not seen, dry mouth was not obvious, no chest tightness, chest pain, poor appetite, normal bowel movement, so on the basis of the preceding, the patient added Atractylodes macrocephala, Hawthorn, fried wheat sprout, chicken naijin and jiao shengqu. The patient had chest congestion, sticky phlegm, yellow color, small amount, dry mouth, red tongue, yellow coating and slippery pulse, so he added Perilla frutescens and smallpox powder on the basis of the second prescription. The patient’s cough was basically under control, with occasional symptoms of nasal congestion and runny nose due to cold, yellowish moss, red texture, and slippery pulse. In this case, the patient’s hot hands and feet, red tongue with little fluid and thin pulse are all manifestations of lung yin deficiency. The treatment is to nourish yin and moisten the lung. However, the patient’s appetite was poor, so he added drugs for strengthening the spleen and eliminating food. At the third consultation, he considered that the symptoms of lung yin deficiency appeared again, so he added drugs for nourishing yin and moistening the lung. I am glad that the patient’s symptoms are under control after treatment. Patients still need to pay attention to the following points in their daily life: 1. The daily routine should be non-smoking, especially indoors, and ventilation should be maintained to avoid dust stimulation. Rest can reduce the depletion of lung gas, so the patient can only be active after the condition has stabilized, and at the same time to establish confidence in overcoming the disease; 2, the patient’s daily diet should avoid greasy, spicy, raw and cold products, it is appropriate to eat fresh vegetables, fruits, pears and other foods. In the autumn and winter season, patients should pay attention to warmth and diet; 3. Avoid contact with willow wool, which can easily induce respiratory diseases, and if necessary, use Chinese medicine to nourish Yin and lung, and cultivate earth to produce gold, etc., for better clinical effect. The incidence of lung yin deficiency is increasing due to environmental pollution, haze, smoking, poor diet, and other living environments, and its course is characterized by prolonged entanglement and difficulty in healing. At the same time, the patient’s long-term smoking resulted in the loss of fluid and the loss of nourishment of the lung meridians, which is one of the important causes of the disease, so quitting smoking to reduce the inhalation of harmful gases is a very crucial step. When coughing and sputum are present, we should pay attention to the color and amount of sputum and the presence of hemoptysis, etc. If necessary, we can administer oxygen and pat the back to relieve the symptoms.

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