Does Chai Hu plus Long Bone Oyster Soup treat insomnia?

Chai Hu plus Long Bone Oyster Soup can treat insomnia caused by phlegm-heat disturbing the heart syndrome, accompanied by chest distension and fullness, dysuria, heartburn, and even gibberish, etc. Applying the right medicine for the symptoms is generally effective. Chai Hu Plus Long Bone & Oyster Soup is composed of Chai Hu, Long Bone, Oyster, Gui Zhi, Ginseng, Poria, Semixia, Scutellaria and Rhubarb, etc. Its effects are to reconcile Shao Yang (treating exogenous heat diseases in which the evil is in the half-epidermal and half-riparian region), to promote Yang and diarrhea, and to tranquilize the spirit (stabilizing the spirit by using ores and shellfish drugs). It is mainly used to treat symptoms of phlegm-heat disturbing the heart leading to chest distension and fullness, disturbed heart and insomnia, easy to be frightened, dysuria, confusion, babbling, and inability to turn over with a heavy body, etc. It is recommended to add or subtract the medicine according to the condition of the patient by the clinician. Note that this formula contains rhubarb, which cannot be used for a long time and should not be used in excess. This formula contains ginseng, which should not be used together with quinoa and wulingzhi. If you have insomnia and other symptoms, please go to the hospital in time, and use the medicine after diagnosis and identification by a professional doctor.

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