Nutritional value and efficacy of rabbit meat

Rabbit meat is not a drug, there is no efficacy in treating diseases, the nutritional value of rabbit meat is that it can provide nutrients and energy for the human body, pay attention to appropriate intake. Rabbit meat is a common livestock food, there is no role of drugs, there is no literature to support that rabbit meat can cure diseases. Rabbit meat is rich in nutrients, each 100g edible meat contains 102kcal energy, 19.7g protein, 2.2g fat, 59mg cholesterol, 45mg sodium, 284mg potassium, 12mg calcium, etc., which helps to maintain normal physiological functions of the human body. The protein content and quality of rabbit meat is similar to that of pork, beef and fish, but the fat content is lower than that of red meat such as pork and the cholesterol content is not high. Although rabbit meat is nutritious, it is not high in vitamins and has no dietary fiber, so it is not recommended to consume large quantities for a long period of time to avoid vitamin and dietary fiber deficiencies. Pay attention to food diversity in daily diet, avoid partiality and picky eating, so as not to produce malnutrition.

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