The approximate cost of external hemorrhoid surgery

External hemorrhoid surgery usually costs around $2,000-6,000. External hemorrhoid surgery is one of the common surgical procedures, the operation is relatively simple, the cost of the operation will vary according to the patient’s choice of surgical methods, but also with the region, the hospital level has a certain charge standard difference. If you choose the new minimally invasive surgical procedure, a disposable anastomosis or ligature will be used during the operation, usually costing a total of about 6,000 yuan, which has the advantages of less trauma and faster recovery. If you choose traditional surgery to remove external hemorrhoids, it usually costs about 2,000 yuan in total. However, this type of surgery is more traumatic and the recovery time is slower. If the patient does not take proper care of the hemorrhoid after surgery, localized infection and inflammation are likely to occur. When patients undergo external hemorrhoid surgery, they need to combine their own medical conditions to choose a suitable surgical method for themselves. It is recommended that patients visit their local hospital to inquire about the cost and clarify their condition before surgery.

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