How to treat right coronary sinus tumor

When a right coronary sinus tumor is present, it is usually treated with surgery. Right coronary sinus tumor is usually located in the aortic area, which may be related to the embryonic congenital development abnormality. This kind of hemangioma may rupture and lead to bleeding, and needs to be surgically removed as soon as possible once the examination reveals the localized lesion. When the right coronary sinus tumor is surgically removed, a combined incision method can be used. After the tumor-like lesion is removed, the incision can be repaired with a patch, which will cause relatively less damage to the aorta. After the right coronary sinus aneurysm resection surgery, patients need to rest and actively observe, at the same time, should regularly conduct cardiac ultrasound or magnetic resonance and other auxiliary examination to observe the recovery of the surgical site, if the postoperative chest tightness, shortness of breath and lack of oxygen cyanosis and other abnormal symptoms, must promptly consult a doctor for examination.

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