What are the benefits of drinking astragalus extract for women

Astragalus Extract is a kind of Chinese patent medicine composed of Astragalus, which is good for women to drink to replenish blood and nourish qi, consolidate the essence and stop sweating. Astragalus Extract is a kind of Chinese patent medicine composed of Astragalus, which is suitable for people with deficiency of Qi and blood. It can be used for treating symptoms such as weakness of limbs due to deficiency of Qi and blood, mental deficiency, sweating due to deficiency of the surface (due to frequent natural sweating caused by weakness of the muscle surface), and lack of strength in the spleen and stomach. Drinking Astragalus Extract for women has the benefits of replenishing blood and nourishing qi, fixing the root and stopping sweating. Astragalus essence is taken orally, 10ml once, twice a day, morning and evening, or as directed by a doctor after consultation. The adverse reactions and contraindications of this disease are not clear, astragalus warm and tonic, it is advisable to take before meals, for the emergence of sores, ulcers, after the heat toxin is still prevalent in patients should not be taken, so as not to aggravate the original symptoms, patients allergic to astragalus should be prohibited from taking this drug. Taking the drug for 2 weeks or during the period of no improvement in symptoms, or symptoms worsened, or the emergence of new serious symptoms, should immediately stop taking the drug and go to the hospital. Astragalus essence needs to be taken under the guidance of a professional doctor, do not self-medicate, so as not to delay the condition.

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