How to win the battle for prostate health?

  We all know that prostate disease is a very common disease in men’s lives, when a boy slowly grows into a teenager, 20s, 30s, gets married, has children, and then retires, as a man may suffer from prostate disease. The youngest patients may have prostatitis, while the middle aged may have prostate enlargement or even prostate cancer. The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a good deal on a lot of things. I will talk about the basics first, and then one by one. I see that many of you are taking notes carefully, and I hope that you will remember the points I have made today very clearly in the question session before the next lecture. We’ll start with the basics.  Our first question is where the prostate gland is located. How many of you know where the prostate is? Do you? Raise your hand if you do. Many of the older men didn’t raise their hands, don’t they know where their prostate is? The number of people who raised their hands increased a little bit. This is really a problem, because once I went to give a lecture at the Gan Yu community in Dongcheng District, and I said I would talk about the prostate, and an old man stood up and said, “Doctor, my voice is not good lately, I have a little inflammation.” I came to the right place, I must talk about this community, and I must talk about it well. The actual fact is that the prostate gland is hidden in the pelvis of a man and cannot be felt on the surface of the body, so it is no wonder that many of you do not know where it is. The actual place where the prostate gland is located, a doctor’s finger is inserted into the patient’s anus and touches the patient’s prostate gland through the rectum, you can immediately feel where the prostate gland is. You will see that behind it is the rectum, in front of it is the pubic bone, which is the hard bone under the stomach, and above it is the bladder, which has several ducts passing through it.  The following content is very interesting, about the prostate gland there are four strange. The first of these is that the prostate gland has four major problems, and this may be the next question.  The first is that when I went to the bathroom before my lecture, an old man started asking me questions in advance about why a man’s prostate is still growing when he gets older. This is a very interesting question, think about it, you grow slowly from a child, getting bigger and bigger, but as you get older, you start to get smaller, your skin starts to wrinkle, start to shrink, even your brain will start to shrink, this is the normal aging phenomenon. But interestingly, as age increases, a man’s prostate is constantly growing, and until now this has been a medical mystery. In a study done in 1952, Wu Jieping, a famous urologist in China, investigated 28 eunuchs left over from the former Qing court and found that none of the eunuchs could feel the prostate gland. This study was later widely recognized by foreign urologists, who realized that a man’s testicles or androgens are closely related to prostate enlargement, so this is an important contribution of Chinese urologists to this disease. The reason for this is still unclear, but it is closely related to the increasing age and the androgen secretion of a man’s testicles, two things we know for sure.  The second major oddity is that it is hidden deep. Only when the doctor put on gloves and inserted into the rectum will he be able to feel it. Some doctors have shorter fingers, and it may be very difficult to feel. It is hidden very deep, this is its second major oddity.  The third monster, the gland, the normal gland is about the size of a chestnut, think about how big the chestnut is, but in the chestnut-sized organ but there are several ducts through, which are several ducts? One is the urethra. That is, your urine has to pass through this gland to get to the outside of the body. Another important duct is the ejaculatory duct, which men know is where you ejaculate when you have sex, and the semen has to pass through the prostate. These are two important ducts.  The fourth monster is that the prevalence of prostatitis, prostate enlargement and prostate cancer is very high. The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a good deal on this.  The first thing to look at is prostatitis. The actual fact is that there are a number of manifestations of prostatitis, which I will talk about later. The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a good deal on this. The first thing you need to do is to think about it.  The next thing to look at is prostate enlargement, which is often referred to as prostate enlargement. The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a good deal on this. The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a good deal on this. In 2005, several major hospitals in Beijing, including Tong Ren Hospital, Youyi Hospital and Peking University Hospital, conducted an epidemiological survey of the surrounding communities and found that if we surveyed different age groups in the Beijing community, starting from 50 years old to 60, 70 and 80 years old, we would find that the prevalence of prostate enlargement was really that high. You can see that the 50 year old group is about 23% and the 80 year old group is 55%. If we consider these groups together, if we are talking about men in the Beijing community over the age of 50, then 40% of men have prostate enlargement, 40%, which is very, very high. It is also interesting, and sad for us as doctors, that even in the capital city, which is one of the top or second largest regions in the country in terms of medical and health conditions, 70% of the prostate enlargement patients in the communities we surveyed have never been to a hospital. This is the situation in Beijing, and I will talk about why later. Is this disease really incurable? It is completely treatable.

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