What is the reason for running foot pain

The patient’s running foot pain is generally considered plantar tenosynovitis, heel bursitis, bunions, as follows: 1, plantar tenosynovitis: the patient running when the pain in the heart of the foot, generally to be considered plantar tenosynovitis, mainly because of excessive exercise or the use of improper shoes, can cause high tension of the plantar tendon membrane, so there will be plantar pain. 2, heel bursitis: the patient occurred just below the heel pain, generally The main reason for this is that it is related to excessive exercise, especially in long-distance running or running hills, which can cause the tension of the heel bursa to increase, resulting in pain under the heel. 3, bunions: the first toe of the toe metatarsophalangeal joint pain occurs when the patient is running, which is generally considered to be a bunion, caused by bunions or wearing inappropriate shoes, using shoes with a narrow forefoot can easily produce pressure on the bunion, causing bunion pain.

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