What to do if you feel gas in your stomach but can’t get it out?

Feeling gas in the stomach but unable to expel it may be diet-related, or it may be caused by chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer, pyloric obstruction, etc. It should be treated according to the cause. Diet-related adjustment of diet, walking, massage of the abdomen; chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer should be omeprazole acid suppression and other treatments; pyloric obstruction should be gastrointestinal decompression and other treatments. 1. Dietary adjustments:Eating too much gas-producing food, such as radish, sweet potatoes, leading to bloating, feeling gas in the stomach can not be discharged, should reduce the consumption of these foods, moderate walking, clockwise gentle massage of the abdomen, to promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, gastric discharge of gas. 2. Chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer: chronic inflammation of the stomach, ulcer changes, resulting in gastrointestinal mucosal damage, digestive disorders, food indigestion, can have stomach bloating, feel gas in the stomach can not be discharged. Should omeprazole acid suppression, omeprazole + amoxicillin + clarithromycin + bismuth potassium citrate anti-Helicobacter pylori treatment, domperidone to promote gastric dynamics. 3. Pyloric obstruction: pyloric obstruction leads to the obstruction of food and gas transmission in the stomach, you can feel the gas in the stomach but can not be discharged, it should be gastrointestinal decompression, to correct the electrolyte-acid-base balance disorders, scarring pyloric obstruction must be surgically treated. Scarred pyloric obstruction must be treated surgically. After the stomach feels gas but cannot be discharged, except for physiological reasons, one should go to the hospital and be treated according to the etiology under the guidance of the doctor.

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