Is a small 1-4mm solid nodule in the lung serious?

Small 1-4 mm solid nodules in the lungs are usually not serious.
The 1-4mm solid nodules in the lungs are considered to be caused by inflammation of the lungs or old tuberculosis. Through the lung CT examination, if the size of the nodule is found to be no more than 4mm, generally do not need additional treatment, it is recommended to follow the doctor’s instructions to take antibiotic drugs such as cefradine, amoxicillin, etc., at the same time pay attention to a light diet, avoid spicy and stimulating food intake.
However, when the size of 1-4mm solid nodules in the lungs is small, the morphology is not good, such as lobulation, burrs or vacuolar signs, vascular signs and other phenomena, suspected malignant tumors in the lungs, it is necessary to pay attention to further examination in order to clarify the diagnosis, and consider surgical resection if necessary, and do a good job of reviewing the postoperative period.

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