Are there any after-effects of a facelift?

The sequelae of facelift surgery include skin scarring, infection, bleeding, and facial nerve damage.
1. Skin scarring: Due to the large wound of facelift surgery, scarring may occur due to tension or suture, which affects aesthetics.
2. Infection: During facelift surgery, if the environment is not sterilized properly, or if there is no proper care measures after the surgery, infection may occur, resulting in red, swollen and painful skin.
3. Bleeding: Due to the richness of facial blood vessels and the wide range of facelift surgery, improper operation during surgery may also cause bleeding, and in severe cases, it may also lead to hematoma and fat embolism.
4. Facial nerve damage: more important facial nerves, in facelift surgery may be separated from the facial nerve damage, facial muscle paralysis, crooked mouth.
The sequelae of facelift surgery are more, if you want to undergo facelift surgery, you should go to a regular hospital, you can reduce the risk of surgery. After the surgery, if there is discomfort, you should seek medical follow-up examination.

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