Do breastfed babies need to drink water?

Pure breastfeeding baby does not need to drink water, if you have added complementary foods, you need to drink water in moderation.
1. do not need to drink: if the baby is 6 months or less, has not added complementary foods, purely breastfeeding, this situation is not need to drink water, because the main component of milk is water, usually if the amount of milk is sufficient to supply the baby’s water needs.
2. need to drink water: if the baby is more than 6 months, in addition to breastfeeding but also added other complementary foods, this situation should be appropriate amount of water, especially the hotter summer, water evaporation is more, need to drink some water to replenish.
The baby is relatively small, you should pay close attention to the baby’s specific situation, if there are symptoms of discomfort, it is recommended to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

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