Is it easy to keep a saddle-shaped uterus pregnant?

A saddle-shaped uterus is a dysplastic uterine fundus with a depressed uterine fundus, which is not easy to preserve after pregnancy, but it cannot be completely ruled out that it can be successfully preserved. Saddle-shaped uterus is more complicated and highly prone to miscarriage. If the patient has problems with the development of the fallopian tubes and ovaries, the cure rate is lower and it is not easy to preserve the pregnancy. Even if the pregnancy can be successfully preserved, it may result in repeated spontaneous abortions, which is not conducive to the development and growth of the embryo. However, some pregnant women with saddle-shaped uterus will have a higher success rate after pregnancy preservation and the rate of spontaneous abortion will decrease as the uterus grows with time and the development of the fetus will no longer be restricted. Clinically, if you have a saddle-shaped uterus, you need to do regular labor tests after pregnancy to understand the placenta, amniotic fluid, and then assess the risk of miscarriage based on the results of the diagnosis, and once you find that there is abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding and other conditions need to consult a doctor in a timely manner and under the guidance of doctors to preserve the fetus.

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