What happened to the blisters on the heel

Heel blisters mainly have the following aspects: 1, fungal infection, fungal infection will lead to local papules, erythema, serious will appear blisters with itching, then need to go to the hospital to do fungal immunofluorescence examination to confirm the diagnosis of infection, antifungal treatment; 2, eczema, acute eczema will appear in this situation, then need to avoid some stimulating factors, such as boiling water, soap scrubbing, etc. to avoid aggravating the disease. At the same time need to focus on skin moisturizing, you can apply moisturizing agents such as Vaseline, do not forcibly peel the dander, so as not to cause local skin infection; 3, contact dermatitis, contact with new things have certain causes, such as wearing new shoes, new socks or other items, this time need to avoid contact with allergic substances again, a small dose of Eloson topical can be cured.

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