Do pregnant women need iron supplements?

Pregnant women usually require iron supplementation. Because the blood volume of pregnant women increases significantly after pregnancy and the increase in plasma volume is greater relative to the increase in red blood cell volume, most pregnant women may develop dilutional anemia of pregnancy. Also due to the increased absorption and utilization of iron by the fetus, it can lead to iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women. Iron is a necessary element for the synthesis of hemoglobin, which is an important substance for the delivery of oxygen to the whole body. Iron deficiency will lead to general hypoxia in pregnant women, and the fetus may also show signs of hypoxia, so pregnant women need to take iron supplements. Therefore, pregnant women need to supplement iron. Pregnant women should pay attention to consume more animal offal, including pig liver, chicken liver, etc., which can help supplement the iron needed by the body. If a pregnant woman has symptoms of anemia and dietary iron supplementation does not normalize her hemoglobin level, it is recommended that she seek medical attention and take iron supplements under the guidance of a doctor.

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