How to relieve bloating in early pregnancy

Flatulence in early pregnancy can be relieved by proper exercise, small meals, dietary adjustments and medication.
1. Appropriate exercise: Exercise can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and relieve the symptoms of flatulence.
2. Eat smaller meals: Avoid eating too much food at one time, which will aggravate the symptoms of flatulence. Eating smaller meals and more frequent meals with easy-to-digest foods can relieve the symptoms of flatulence.
3. Dietary adjustments: Avoid eating gas-producing foods, such as beans, for flatulence. You also need to avoid eating too much greasy, cold and stimulating food, so as not to aggravate the symptoms of bloating.
4. Medication: If the above methods can not alleviate the symptoms of bloating, you can follow the doctor’s instructions for medication, such as gastrointestinal tablets, yeast tablets and so on.
Bloating in early pregnancy is often caused by early pregnancy reaction, with the progress of pregnancy, the subsequent symptoms may be relieved or disappear. If it is not relieved for a long time or accompanied by other abnormalities such as abdominal pain, it is recommended to visit the hospital for treatment.

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