Can I drink alcohol after taking metformin?

Alcohol is not allowed to be consumed during the clinical use of metformin because of the possibility of aggravating lactic acidosis while taking metformin. Metformin is more commonly used hypoglycemic drugs, in addition to lowering sugar also has many other good effects, but metformin also has certain side effects, side effects include gastrointestinal adverse reactions and lactic acidosis, drinking alcohol will aggravate the occurrence of lactic acidosis, so do not drink alcohol while taking metformin. Metformin is suitable for patients with type 2 diabetes, especially for obese patients, it can reduce the fasting blood glucose level and postprandial blood glucose level, as well as reduce blood lipids and control the weight of patients to achieve a stable state. However, you should strictly follow the doctor’s advice during the medication period, and do not drink alcohol, smoke and other bad lifestyles.

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