What to do if your face is swollen from squeezing pimples

After squeezing pimples face only pimple parts of the swelling can be oral penicillin antibiotics, topical antibiotic ointment. If the swelling range is large, you should consult a doctor.
Squeeze acne will lead to local inflammation and thus swelling, this time to antibacterial anti-inflammatory mainly, oral penicillin antibiotics such as amoxicillin capsules, topical erythromycin ointment and other antibiotics in order to control the inflammation.
If the infection is expanding the whole face swelling should be timely medical treatment for anti-infection treatment, squeeze the acne will also damage the subcutaneous blood vessels, resulting in skin ecchymosis, leaving scars affecting the aesthetic.
If the face acne is more serious can go to the regular hospital for needle clearing and other treatments, do not squeeze the acne, if you squeeze the danger triangle acne, there is a risk of intracranial infection. The above medications should be used in accordance with medical advice.

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