Thirst and impatience are mostly due to lack of fluids

  In the hot summer, many people will be thirsty, irritable, impatient and other discomfort, often because of a little thing is easy to lose temper, in fact, the problem lies in the fluids. The hot weather, people can easily sweat, resulting in the loss of fluid, blood is not timely replenishment, it is easy to cause blood deficiency, blood deficiency, liver Yang and heart Yang can not be restrained, easy to hyperactivity, people are prone to impatience, irritability. This shows that summer health care should pay attention to the maintenance of fluids, only sufficient fluids, Yang will not float up, Yin and Yang can reach a balance.  So, how to maintain the fluids?  First, often drink porridge.  The best choice for people with blood deficiency is to drink some millet and jujube porridge, and people with heavy damp heat can choose barley and mung bean porridge, and people with heat can drink fruit juice directly, such as watermelon, grapes and other fruits with sour taste, which can play a very good role in nourishing the fluids.  Second, proper exercise.  After sweating in summer, the subcutaneous stagnation and toxins can be discharged, which is more conducive to the formation of fluid, so that the blood can be effectively replenished. In addition, summer Yang Qi is strong, with the help of exercise, can better replenish Yang Qi.  Third, regular life.  In summer, the sun goes down late and consumes relatively more yang energy throughout the day, so try to be quiet in the evening to prepare for the night’s rest. Many people have a rich night life and do not rest until 11 pm or even early in the morning, so that Yang is not easily replenished, but will consume more Yang, which on the one hand will cause the water vapor in the body can not be well excreted, forming dampness, and on the other hand, the generation of fluid will be significantly reduced.  Fourth, eat less cold food.  In summer, Yang Qi is strong on the outside, but the inside is relatively cold, so many people with a weak spleen and stomach will have abdominal pain and diarrhea if they eat something cold in summer, and there is not enough Yang Qi in the stomach, so the food cannot be decomposed and the fluid cannot be generated well. It is recommended that people with a poor spleen and stomach eat more warm food appropriately. People who are obviously afraid of cold and have cold hands and feet in winter can eat some ginger stewed lamb appropriately, and people with Yang Qi deficiency can eat lamb stewed with sapodilla.

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