What if your blood pressure goes up when your stomach gets upset?

The causes of high blood pressure as soon as the stomach is uncomfortable are stomach diseases, hypertension, heart disease, usually pay attention to monitoring blood pressure, medication, surgery and so on.
1. Stomach disease: when stomach disease attacks, there will be pain, acid reflux, heartburn and other symptoms, and in severe cases, there will be vomiting, at this time there will be anxiety, irritability, causing sympathetic nerve excitation, resulting in the body in a state of stress, there will be increased blood pressure. At this time, we should actively treat the stomach disease.
2. Hypertension: Generally speaking, hypertension can be diagnosed by three measurements of systolic blood pressure ≥140mmHg and/or diastolic blood pressure ≥90mmHg on non-same day. If the blood pressure is high even when the stomach doesn’t hurt, the patient may have hypertension and should consult a doctor promptly.
3. Heart disease: Atypical angina pectoris may present with stomach pain, which is accompanied by an increase in blood pressure. If the pain is relieved by resting or taking nitroglycerin, it is more suggestive of heart disease and requires timely examination by the cardiology department of the hospital.
It is recommended that the patient visit the hospital for further evaluation.

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