What to do if a child is burned

Children who have been burned should be rinsed under tap water as soon as possible until there is no more severe pain, and then go to the hospital in time. Children were scalded first need to remove the cause of injury, if there is clothing cover, remove, and supplemented with cold therapy, such as rinsing slowly under tap water, or submerged in cold water, or with cold water soaked gauze towels and other compresses on the wound, can also play a good effect. After the pain of the injury is reduced, and promptly seek medical attention. Usually in the hospital surgery can be timely disinfection of the wound, if the local blisters can be picked but retain the skin, and wrapped in sterile gauze, regular dressing changes, the wound can generally be applied externally with silver sulfadiazine cream and so on. If the area of the burn is large, it should be hospitalized in time.

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