What are the worst symptoms of irritable bowel

The most serious symptom of Irritable Bowel Syndrome is abdominal pain or change in bowel habit. Other manifestations include mental symptoms, other symptoms and so on. 1. Abdominal pain: most common in the left lower abdomen and lower abdomen, with varying degrees, often appearing after meals or before defecation, patients with postprandial abdominal pain can be relieved after defecation. When attention is distracted or after sleep, the pain can be relieved or disappear. When the patient is emotionally stressed, it will aggravate the symptoms. 2. Changes in bowel habits: diarrhea, constipation or alternating diarrhea and constipation. Diarrhea is manifested as increased frequency of stools, each time the amount of feces is small, mostly mucus thin stools, accompanied by a sense of embarrassment or abdominal pain, relieved after the stool. Constipation mostly occurs in the early stage of the disease, and the feces are in the form of fine rod or sheep’s feces, which may be accompanied by abdominal distension or abdominal pain. 3. Mental symptoms: anxiety and depression may occur. 4. Other symptoms: belching, nausea and other symptoms similar to functional dyspepsia, as well as fatigue, insomnia and palpitations. When the above symptoms occur, patients should go to the hospital in time, and standardize the treatment under the guidance of the doctor.

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