How to stop a pregnant woman’s stomachache quickly

There is no quick pain relief for pregnant women with stomach pain, pregnant women with stomach pain may be caused by dietary stimulation, stomach cold, hormone level changes, etc., mainly to take general treatment.
1. Dietary stimulation: may be due to pregnant women eat spicy and stimulating food, gastric mucosa caused by the stimulation of the symptoms, to pay attention to a light diet, avoid eating spicy and stimulating food, and drink more warm water, the symptoms will gradually ease.
2. Cold stomach: may be due to inhalation of cool air after the stomach spasm, thus causing the symptoms, can be appropriate to the stomach massage and hot compresses, help to relieve the pain symptoms.
3. Changes in hormone levels: After pregnancy, women’s hormone levels change, estrogen and progesterone levels increase can easily lead to stomach pain, in most cases, stomach pain is not obvious, will gradually relieve themselves.
If the pregnant woman’s stomach pain is more serious and persistent, you can go to the hospital to find out the cause and follow the doctor’s instructions.

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