Why did the doctor order an anal exam?

Anal examination, also known as rectal examination, is one of the most common tests used by urologists to examine the prostate gland and is also an important test for the early diagnosis of prostate cancer. It is easy to perform and does not require any large equipment, and the patient will not feel any significant discomfort during the examination. The entire procedure lasts only a few minutes and the results are available immediately. The normal prostate is soft, smooth and flexible. When cancer occurs, the physician can often touch one or more nodules in the prostate, and an experienced physician can determine the number, size, and location of the tumor with the feel of his or her fingers. It is because of all these advantages that anal examination is suitable for almost all elderly male patients and is not only valuable for the early diagnosis of prostate cancer, but can also be applied to determine the stage of prostate cancer. However, if the patient is suffering from hemorrhoids or anal fissures, he should inform the physician of the relevant medical history and situation in detail, and the physician will judge whether to perform the anal examination according to the actual situation. Then, the reader will ask: “Is it possible to determine prostate cancer by feeling nodules on anal examination?” The answer is no. Some other diseases such as inflammation of the prostate and prostate stones may also be felt as nodules on the surface of the prostate. It is for this reason that a more accurate diagnosis of prostate cancer must be made based on the results of the anal examination and other tests.

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