The fastest way to get rid of liver fire with green beans

Mung beans are usually decocted with water to take the soup internal or with other Chinese herbs to clear the liver fire, symptomatic treatment have a certain degree of efficacy, there is no “fastest way to go to the liver fire,” said.
Mung beans are the dried seeds of mung beans, cold, sweet, to the heart, liver, stomach. Mung beans have the effect of favoring water, clearing heat and detoxification (removing heat and toxicity from the body), and eliminating summer heat. This product is mainly used for treating carbuncle, swelling and sores (purulent skin and soft tissue infections), dysuria (unsmooth urination), edema, summer heat and thirst.
Mung bean belongs to the liver meridian, but also has the effect of clearing heat, has a certain role in clearing liver fire, mung bean decoction can be used to treat headache, red eyes, mouth and tongue sores caused by liver fire. It can also be combined with chrysanthemum, Xia Gu Cao and other Chinese herbs to strengthen the power of liver fire.
The adverse reactions and contraindications of taking mung bean are not yet clear, and caution should be taken by those with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold (spleen and stomach weakness and cold) slippery discharge.
People with large liver fire should consult a Chinese medicine practitioner in a timely manner and be treated with medication after diagnosis, and should not take medication on their own to avoid delaying their condition.

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