How much does an abortion cost?

Abortion is the most common gynecological procedure and the cost of the procedure varies greatly depending on the type of procedure, the month of pregnancy and the type of anesthesia. The cost of having an abortion is between$1500 and$2000 in most hospitals. The cost of the procedure includes the pre-operative examination, the operation fee, and the anesthesia fee. The preoperative examination includes an ultrasound, a blood test for routine blood count, coagulation function, pre-transfusion four, blood type, etc., and an electrocardiogram. The abortion is usually a painless abortion, and the anesthesia is intravenous general anesthesia, so the cost of anesthesia is also needed. The cost of the procedure varies from hospital to hospital, as it is related to the level of the hospital and the fee schedule. The actual risk of abortion is recommended to go to a local regular professional medical institution for abortion surgery, so that both the cost and safety are guaranteed.

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