What kind of medicine should I take if I have a yellow, thick and greasy tongue with teeth marks, dry mouth and tinnitus?

The yellowish and greasy tongue with teeth marks, dry mouth and tinnitus may be caused by yin deficiency and fire (deficiency of yin essence in the body and hyperactive fire), dampness-heat stagnation (accumulation of dampness and heat to form stagnation), etc. Under the guidance of the doctor, you can take some medicines to nourish yin and clear away heat, such as Gentian Diarrhea and Liver Pill, Huo Xiang Qing Stomach Capsules, and Zhi Bai Di Huang Pill, etc. For the treatment. 1. Gentian Liver Pill: Gentian Liver Pill is composed of gentian, chaihu, scutellaria, gardenia, zedoaria, mouton, psyllium, angelica, etc. It is effective in clearing the liver and gallbladder and relieving heat. The effect is to clear the liver and gallbladder, and promote dampness and heat. It is used for dizziness and redness of eyes (dizziness and red eyes), tinnitus and deafness caused by damp-heat of liver and gallbladder (damp-heat evils accumulated in the liver and gallbladder). Caution is advised for pregnant women, the elderly and infirm, and those with loose stools. Avoid spicy and irritating food. It is not advisable to take tonic Chinese medicines at the same time while taking the medicine. Adverse reactions and contraindications are not clear. 2. Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan: Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan is composed of Radix Rehmanniae Praeparata, Cornu Cervi Pantotrichum, Rhizoma Dioscoreae, Rhizoma Dioscoreae, Poria, and Rhizoma Zedoariae. It can nourish yin and lower fire (nourish yin essence and lower fire). It is used in treating yin deficiency and fire (deficiency of yin essence in the body, resulting in hyperactivity of deficiency fire), hot flashes and night sweating (abnormal sweating after going to sleep, and sweating stops after waking up). Avoid indigestible food. Not suitable for patients with cold and fever. It is prohibited for those who are allergic to this product, and should be used with caution for those with allergic constitution. When the patient has symptoms such as yellowish thick and greasy tongue with teeth marks, dry mouth, tinnitus, etc., it is recommended to take the medicine under the guidance of a doctor. If any discomfort occurs, go to the hospital immediately for treatment.

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