What to do if you have a dry cough from bronchitis

The dry cough of bronchitis can be improved by anti-inflammatory drugs, quitting smoking and alcohol, paying attention to warmth and a light diet.
1. Anti-inflammatory cough medication: If it is clear that the dry cough is caused by bacterial infection, antibiotic treatment is needed, such as: amoxicillin, levofloxacin, azithromycin, etc.; if the cough is severe and affects the rest of the work, dextromethorphan, prochlorperazine hydrochloride and other cough suppressant treatment can be used.
2. Quit smoking and drinking: people suffering from bronchitis are advised to quit smoking and drinking, smoking and drinking will stimulate the bronchial tubes to aggravate the dry cough, reduce the bronchial defense barrier, increase the risk of infection, and cause the onset of bronchitis. Not only should we not smoke ourselves, but we should also stay away from people who smoke.
3. Pay attention to warmth: the first thing to do to prevent bronchitis is to pay attention to warmth, avoid getting cold again, and ensure good sleep. Cold and so on may reduce the body’s immunity, may induce bronchial inflammation, aggravate the dry cough.
4. Light diet: spicy, stimulating food may stimulate the throat to cause cough, bronchitis dry cough is best to eat a light diet.
If the dry cough of bronchitis for a long time, the effect of medication is not good, it is recommended to timely hospital respiratory consultation, further improve the examination, assessment of the condition after targeted treatment. The above drugs need to be used under the guidance of a physician.

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