What to do if your face is splashed with oil and black marks appear

The face is splashed with oil to appear black marks is the performance of local pigmentation, generally can gradually fade by itself, if necessary, through oral medication, topical medication, laser treatment and other ways to lighten.
1. Oral medication: you can take vitamin C, tranexamic acid and other drugs under the guidance of a doctor, which can inhibit the production of melanin to a certain extent.
2. Topical medication: Vitamin A acid ointment, adapalene gel, hydroquinone cream and other medications can be used externally as prescribed by the doctor, which can inhibit the formation of melanin and reduce melanin deposition.
3. Laser treatment: Intense pulsed light, Q laser, picosecond laser and other treatments can be used to lighten pigmentation.
If the black marks on your face do not go away, it is recommended to go to the hospital in time and use medication or other treatments under the guidance of the doctor.

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