Is it true that Gui Fu Lizhong Pills force out the cold from the body in seven days?

There is no scientific basis for Gui Fu Lizhong Pill to force out the cold in the body in seven days, the exact time of effect varies from person to person, there is no such thing as forcing out the cold in the body in seven days. The main effect of Gui Fu Lizhong Pills is to tonify the kidney and help the yang, warm the middle and strengthen the spleen, which can be used for the treatment of cold pain in the epigastrium (cold pain in the stomach and abdomen), vomiting and diarrhea, and cold extremities (cold extremities, even to the elbows and above the knees) caused by kidney yang weakness, spleen and stomach cold (spleen and stomach weakness and coldness) and other diseases. Adverse effects of Gui Fu Lizhong Pill are not clear, and pregnant women are forbidden to take it. The effect of taking Gui Fu Lizhong Pill varies from person to person, with different onset times. Some people are afraid of cold and chilly and have cold limbs before taking the medicine, and after taking Gui Fu Lizhong Pill, the cold and chilly feeling disappears, but the exact time is not fixed. When the patient’s condition is mild, taking Gui Fu Lizhong Pill for seven days may relieve the symptoms, but when the condition is more serious, it is often necessary to take it for a longer period of time, or change to a more effective soup. Therefore, the statement that Gui Fu Lizhong Pill forces out the cold from the body in seven days is too absolute and inaccurate. Proprietary Chinese medicines need to be used under the guidance of a physician to recognize the evidence, and should not be taken blindly on their own.

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