How long does it take for the edema to go down after hemorrhoid surgery

Hemorrhoid surgery edema will generally be eliminated in about 1-2 weeks, edema is a common short-term complication of hemorrhoid surgery, that is, congestion and bulging of the anal canal and anal edge skin, which can cause swelling and painful symptoms, occurs because of the following: a. After surgery, there are incisions and trauma around the anus, incisions and trauma originally have normal blood circulation and lymph circulation, there are incisions and trauma after part of the blood circulation and lymph circulation is After the incision and trauma, the blood circulation and lymphatic circulation are partially blocked, and the osmotic pressure of the blood vessels increases due to the circulatory disorder, and water is retained in the tissue interstitial space and causes edema. Second, if there is difficulty in defecation after surgery, longer squatting toilet time, or dry stool and other stimulating factors, it will lead to the aggravation of edema. After surgery, you can take oral medication to promote venous and lymphatic reflux to reduce swelling, you can use topical creams and suppositories or lotions to sit in the bath, and local physical therapy to improve local microcirculation and promote wound healing. Edema will be gradually eliminated as the incision slowly heals, and most of it can be basically restored to normal skin. If the edema is relatively large and cannot be completely eliminated, or if it affects the wound healing, it can be reviewed by a doctor and, if necessary, removed under local anesthesia.

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